Aktuelle China Infos

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Economy, politics
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Information on Economy, Politics and Society

General economic, social and political aspects concerning China such as China´s access to WTO, legal certainty, the role of the Party and the Government, the issue of corruption etc. are shortly and incisive outlined in the following book:

The China Mangement HandbookThe China Management Handbook – A Comprehensive Question & Answer Guide to the World’s most Important Emerging Market

The full text version of the first chapter of this book can be downloaded for free: Reading Rehearsal (Full text chapter 1; Questions 1-12, around 60 pages)

Excerpt of the Table of Contents: Capter 1

What should a China manager know about China’s economy, politics and society?

    • Is China’s economy stronger or only bigger than other economies?
    • How stable are the Communist Party and the government?
    • What should a China manager know about China’s history?
    • Why do Chinese negotiate the way they do?
    • To which extend is corruption undermining the economy?
    • How to do business in a country with a weak rule of law?
    • How important is WTO for the Chinese economy and western business?
    • Which role does the stock market play in China’s economic development?
    • How does the Internet change China?
    • Will tensions between Taiwan and the People’s Republic increase?
    • Is the gap between rich and poor getting wider?
    • What are China’s future problems?
