Aktuelle China Infos

Official sources
of information


Newspapers and

Informations on
the internet

Economy, politics
and society

Pitfall in the
China business



CMN - The China Mangement Network Ltd


The China Management Network

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International Institutions

General preliminary remark
You can get aggregated economic data for China, which is the basis of all market research, by generally accessible sources such as the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund etc. Often there is also quite good information available from the chambers of commerce or with the offices of trade and promotion at the western embassies in China as well as with international banks or with the national bureau o statistics in your country. Such institutions generally double-check the data from Chinese sources thoroughly before they publish them.

More detailed investigations are necessary to analyse regional or product markets. Often the associations of the particular branches of industry in your country already have quite good information.

Survey on international sources:

Embassies and consulates of your country

  • Department for Exhibitions and Trade-fairs
  • Department of Economics and Commerce
  • Department of Trade Promotion /Handelsförderung

Chambers of Commerce

  • European Chamber of Commerce
  • American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham)
  • Australian Chamber of Commerce
  • Japanese Chamber of Commerce
  • Single chambers of European countries

National and provincial ministries in your country

  • Ministry of Trade and Commerce
  • Ministry of Foreign Aid
  • Foreign Ministry

International banks and insurance companies
National and supranational organisations

  • International Monetary Fund
  • World Bank
  • Political and social foundations
  • European Community Investment Partners (ECIP)
  • Co operations for technical and economical co-operation (such as GTZ)
  • Institutions and associations of different branches of industry in your country

Institutions and associations of different branches of industry in your country "Round tables" for the exchange of experience

  • “Joint venture round tables “ in major Chinese cities
  • “Investor round tables” in your home country
  • Meetings of business associations that specialise on China topics (such as German-Chinese Business Association)

Investigations show that institutions and organisations that are contacted are often not the most efficient and effective ones. Therefore, depending on the aspect you are interested in, smaller, less well-known institutions that specialize on a specific area, could prove more informative.
